Tuesday, September 22, 2009

More thoughts on Perseverance

I continue to think about how important it is to "continue trying". So many times we may want to give up, but the difference between success and failure may be that last push... But sometimes, and this is catch, sometimes, no matter how much we try, we may not be able to win. We may not be able to win the job, win the relationship... So what do we do then?...... Well, many years ago, when I was an undergraduate at San Francisco State I worked for a local newspaper selling advertising. I remember going over to my boss and being very frustrated... "They don't want to buy the ad space!", I said, after all my hard work... My boss looked at me squarely and said, "Good, now you know they don't want it, move on to someone else!!"
I learned something very important that day. Perseverance is so vital but at some point you have to let go and move on!