Monday, January 18, 2010

The new year

Did you ever notice that just when one issue is resolved another arises? The interesting thing about this phenomenon is that this is called LIFE. I remember when I was little, I thought that once I grew up everything would "settle" into the "adult life". Our little brains cannot understand the complexities of adult life so it can actually be a shock when we realize that life is full of obstacles we have to overcome. But it is these obstacles that give us the opportunities to grow and learn. And as we learn and grow we get to experience our lives in a deeper more meaningful way.
There are times that are traumatic for us. As I wrote in prior blogs, the brain does change with these traumas so it will take longer for us to recover and heal.... but we CAN do this with the help of professionals and the support of people who love you. Our brain may tell us it will ALWAYS be like this.... but... I invite you to become aware of when you are thinking that something will "always" or something will "never" change. Start becoming aware of those words in your thinking.... And start changing the dialogue with yourself. This is the first step, the most important first step....

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Emotional Brain- help for depression

I have been watching a wonderful series on PBS I believe is called, "The Emotional Brain". If anyone is interested in understanding how their brain works and how the brain regulates thoughts and feeling I would highly recommend this. Go to and check it out! Often when we are feeling depressed, anxious, afraid we are also confused, we can start thinking about why this is happening and most importantly when will this end! Well it seems that when we have depression, the part of the brain that regulates our sense of time and place and thus perpective, basically allowing us to put things in perspective, does not work well! In the cases of chronic depression the hippocampus(this is the area in the brain) actually SHRINKS. So now you know why it may be so hard to get perspective and hope for the future when you are depressed! BUT there is also research that the brain is pliable and we can, with positive thoughts change our brains!
So.... if you are depressed and you know WHY you are feeling hopeless, trust me, trust your loved ones, trust your therapist, you CAN feel better...
Take a deep breathe, allow this day to unfold and start to take action today. You can call me for a consultation , go back to the therapist you have liked in the past-you have the power to change the way you view your life.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

help for depression- start with today

It seems only yesterday that 2009 arrived and now it is 2010. And what a year it was!
As we get older (and of course we all do!) the time goes by quicker and quicker. And then we look back and wonder where all the time went. Strange phenomenon!

Often when there is a look back there may be a sadness about maybe some things you did that you wished you hadn't done and all things you wished for that you did not have the time or were not in the position to pursue. All around us are decisions that we have to make.... pursue this, don't pursue that... Sometimes we are so afraid to give up the idea of something we can feel paralysed to move forward. The truth is that there are many things in life that we will never pursue, many things we have to give up because we have only so much time in our precious lives! And this can be depressing for many people... to give up a dream....But what DO you have have? This is the really important thing- do you treasure what you DO have or complain that you don't have something else? You can choose to do either. One can make you grateful the other can make you sad- What life do YOU want to lead- A sad life filled with all the things you did not get to pursue or a grateful live- seeing life fully as it is and appreciating what you have? You decide... And today you can make a decision to CHANGE the way you think about your life... And today you can continue to be present and enjoy the richness of life, the trees, the sun , the birds, your breath, loving and kindness.