Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I am alive(still) and so are you!

How many times have you thought about things you wished you would have done differently? How often do you look at friends, relatives or neighbors and wish you had what they had? Regrets, Envy- these can be powerful ways to make ourselves feel bad about ourselves! If only..... if I had......... Lots of ifs and no answers but certainly lots of bad feelings.
What you miss when you are thinking those thoughts is the most wonderful thing about your life- aliveness- what is aliveness to you? think about it - what makes you feel alive? Is it a place or person? Whatever or whoever it is- take a moment to give thanks because I am here to tell you it truly does not matter that you don't have what your neighbor has or that you made mistakes in your life..... the most important thing is that you are alive!
You can choose to spend your time wishing you were wealthier, prettier, more handsome, thinner and regretting that you did not take a certain job 10 years ago or that you did not apply yourself in college 20 years ago. Yes, you can choose to spend all your time, take up all your thoughts and have lots of bad and sad feelings about all you don't have. You CAN choose that-but you can also choose - from today on- be in the present- this present moment- this wondrous and mysterious present moment and find your happiness and contentment with what you have here and now - do we ever have anything else really?