Wednesday, August 11, 2010

understanding the brain-help for depression

If you were able to look into your brain in the midst of depression or anxiety you would be able to actually see that your brain is not working optimally. The part of your brain that gives you perspective is not working correctly. You would be able to SEE why you are thinking the way you are thinking. When you are depressed, everything looks bleak. And when you think negatively a cycle is created that makes you think more negatively. And the cycle of negative thinking takes over. It is in control of you! How often have you thought, "I just can't control my negative thoughts". Well this is a common problem! The first, more important thing to do is to BECOME AWARE that you are having negative thoughts. It is amazing how often one can be in a very negative thought cycle and not even realize it!.
So being aware is the first step in changing your thoughts. And this is what you have to do and you CAN do- change your negative thinking. Becoming aware is the first step in a process of change. But I can assure you that you CAN change your negative thinking. And when you change your negative thinking your brain changes. You can have hope.