Sunday, November 15, 2009

depression help

What is your philosophy about life? Have you ever thought about this? As I was running on this lovely, sunny day I was thinking about how our philosophies about our lives are usually directly related to religion or spirituality of our childhood. You may not have been told by your parents or your community "This is our philosophy" but most likely you were shown through their actions. When you were young did you see kindness and generosity in your life? Did you see greed? If you saw kindness in your life you most likely grew up with a philosophy that being kind was a positive and important thing. If you were shown greed when you were young , most likely you grew up thinking that "getting one over" on someone was the way to go. The problem is that we did not have a choice as children.

Now, in our lives as adults we can examine our philosophies and understand that we have choices now. We don't have to feel everyone is out to get us or the world isn't fair and we will never get our needs met. We can discover for ourselves who we want to be and start now to grow into our authentic selves. And as we do this we heal and as we heal, depression can lift-move out of our lives.