When you are depressed or anxious it is easy, isn't it, to think about someone who may have wronged you. When was the last time you thought about someone who may have said maybe just one thing but this ended up helping you in your life.
I invite you think about it right now- I bet you will be able to come up with a variety of people-this person does not have to be a teacher or mentor, not even a good friend, but even in a short conversation at a party a person may say something that resonates with you - maybe they recommend a book that ended up helping you significantly... Now, this is the fun part- have you ever told them? Acknowledgment can be so meaningful to both you and the other person. Why don't you experiment with this- think of someone who has helped you or was particularly kind and give them a call and tell them. I can't imagine anyone who would not accept this with open arms! If we did this for each other we may need to go to a therapist like myself for assistance with self-esteem issues because we see who we truly are with acknowledgement. tell me what happens- I'd love to hear about it!