Tuesday, October 20, 2009

more thoughts on the "poop" blog

Several people have commented on my "poop" blog so I thought expounding on it may be a good idea. Throughout your lives you all have probably "stepped on dog poop". It the kind of thing that makes you say, "Oh shoot" or various other things in response.
It is what we do, or HOW WE THINK about this that is the most important thing. We can say, "I am so angry, I am going to find out whose dog did this!" or we can say, "This is a sign that I have not been a good person!" or we can say, "Where can I wipe this off because I have things to do!" We probably all know people who would do one of these things. What would you do?
Barbara Ehrenreich, who writes so well and astutely about culture and class just came out with a new book about how "positive thinking" may actually hurt us. Now I have not read the book but I listened to her on KQED. She was talking about how angry she was when she was diagnosed with cancer and how she did not feel safe saying she was angry because everyone was saying she was "supposed to think positively"... Well, back to the dog poop stuff... I say, get angry! of yes, if you want- but then think, "Do I want to spend this day angry?" I know I don't- anger to me sours everything.