Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Emotional Brain- help for depression

I have been watching a wonderful series on PBS I believe is called, "The Emotional Brain". If anyone is interested in understanding how their brain works and how the brain regulates thoughts and feeling I would highly recommend this. Go to and check it out! Often when we are feeling depressed, anxious, afraid we are also confused, we can start thinking about why this is happening and most importantly when will this end! Well it seems that when we have depression, the part of the brain that regulates our sense of time and place and thus perpective, basically allowing us to put things in perspective, does not work well! In the cases of chronic depression the hippocampus(this is the area in the brain) actually SHRINKS. So now you know why it may be so hard to get perspective and hope for the future when you are depressed! BUT there is also research that the brain is pliable and we can, with positive thoughts change our brains!
So.... if you are depressed and you know WHY you are feeling hopeless, trust me, trust your loved ones, trust your therapist, you CAN feel better...
Take a deep breathe, allow this day to unfold and start to take action today. You can call me for a consultation , go back to the therapist you have liked in the past-you have the power to change the way you view your life.