Sunday, November 8, 2009

continued.....stepping on poop...

Many people have mentioned my blog on "stepping on poop" so I thought I might talk more about this! All of us, at some time in our lives, have metaphorically "stepped in poop". What I mean is we have all had painful, sad, upsetting things happen to us in our lives. This is a given. So now that we know this happens we can think about how we want to react and respond to these events.

When I began graduate school I was secretly hoping that I would learn that the way we see ourselves, our lives and others does not relate back to our childhood..

It just seemed like it would easier to heal and change since, for many of us, our childhood is long ago.... But in the ten years that I have been working with clients it is so clear that it really does start in our childhood. That is where we learn how to react to stress, pain and sadness. This is where we develop our sense of self and sense of worth in this world. So.... if you want to change the way you react to "stepping in poop" look at the story you carry about this from your childhood... but don't dwell there.... bring it into the present to find what is true and what is not. You DON"T have to react to stress like you mother or father. This is NOT your truth. When you find your truth, your authenticity, you will be able to survive and be present in this wonderful moment, even if you have poop on your shoe.