Thursday, June 24, 2010

help for depression

Some people begin psychotherapy with the hope of becoming happy. But happiness can not be forced. Happiness is the result of changes one can make in one's life. What are important elements of change? Being in the present is most important. Being clear that the past cannot be changed and worrying about the future is a waste of precious time and energy can help you be in the present. Appreciating this present moment.... This is a good beginning... And looking at your life the way it truly is- not the way you yearn for it to be, are afraid that it is or wish it could be. How can you do this? Start by considering that the story you have about your life, that you tell yourself and others- MAY NOT BE TRUE!. Most of us think we are WHAT YOUR MOTHER OR FATHER TOLD YOU. Just because they said it doesn't make it true. You get to write your own story about who you are!
When you understand that the WAY YOU THINK ABOUT THINGS impacts how you feel and you have the power to change the way you thing about yourself, others and your relationships. This is very powerful in helping you change the way you feel.
When you can be present, write your own true story of who you are and understand that you have the power to change your thoughts....happiness can follow because you have made room for it- It is waiting for you.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

the sandwich generation- help for depression

Are you part of the "sandwich generation"? This is the generation who is caring for their children as well as their parents... thus the expression,"sandwich". The most common feelings I hear from clients are the feeling of being overwhelmed and the feeling of being helpless. We are all so busy these days and it is not surprising that we may feel overwhelmed, helpless, stressed and sometimes depressed. What can you do about this? Well, with regard to your parents.. Are you a kind an loving child? Are you taking care of them to the best of your ABILITY? Are you taking care of YOURSELF? All these things are important. Taking care of yourself, continuing to have joy in your life is essential... otherwise you risk becoming a martyr.
All you have is today... Have you been kind and caring today to both your loved ones and yourself? If you haven't you can begin NOW. If you can say to yourself that you are kind to yourself today and kind to your loved ones, you can feel satisfied because the act of being kind can give great meaning to your life.